Financial Empowerment For All.

What is #LeaveItBetter?



I believe that now, more than ever, it is imperative that we intentionally & consciously create meaningful, authentic, and personal connection with one another. #ItsAWeGame



Let’s usher in the new business culture of value creation and fulfillment, and leave behind the value extraction model we’ve been raised on.



It is imperative that we rethink the way we coexist with nature if we are to continue living on this beautiful blue planet. Let’s leave this wondrous place better than we found it. #LeaveItBetter

Leave It Better

The Podcast

Leave it better is a show about using business as a force for good in the world.

Using entrepreneurial tools to find profitable solutions to human problems, and in so doing, to leave the “world” a better place than we found it.

We follow the “seek to understand, then be understood” model: taking our clients through a comprehensive process of discovery, digging in on their personal narrative around money and their experience with it over their lives is critical to long term and broad sweeping success.

It has been suggested that telling someone what they need yields far less benefit than guiding them to figure out what they need on their own…we believe that suggestion is infinite in its wisdom and this assumption is at the core of how we operate.


We have a team of mentors and industry experts, as well as Strategic Partners, which bring invaluable knowledge and expertise to our community of clients and colleagues both within and outside of the Insurance & Investment space.

The best way to ensure that we bring the highest value for our clients (and avoid conflicts of interest) is to ensure that we align and collaborate with top, values driven Professionals from industries that “complete the circle” of client needs.

We can’t handle every area at an optimal level so it’s critical to have strong relationships with community pillars that lead their respective fields.

We believe that education is the most imperative ingredient in any growth effort, whether personal, professional, or financial.

From this perspective, it is easy to understand that if we wish to empower people to take charge of their financial futures we must make unbiased and valuable information readily accessible and approachable for anyone; this is our guiding principle.

Whether you become a client or not, our mission is accomplished if you walk away with more knowledge than you came with.

We bring humor, fun, and a healthy dose of not taking ourselves too seriously.

There are two things that make a lot of us uncomfortable to talk about, death & money. We have the absolute pleasure of of helping our clients navigate these difficult topics.

It doesn’t take a leap of faith to understand that keeping things as lighthearted and grounded as possible is the only way any of us will make it out alive.

Kind Words

Meet Brandon

Brandon’s 15+ year career in financial services has shown him all the shortcomings of our current financial system. 

Having the privilege of serving and supporting hundreds of folks over the years, not to mention his personal experience growing up, has highlighted the key missing ingredient, unbiased and impartial financial literacy and personal finance education. 

He has made it his life’s work to share his knowledge and experience to benefit others so they may stand on his shoulders, giving them the opportunity to achieve balance and prosperity in their lives.


With Purpose

Meet unbiased, product agnostic, people centered financial education courses. We’ve collaborated with a leader in the personal finance space, National Financial Educators Council, to bring the most comprehensive, diverse, and outcome-oriented curriculum possible so that our students can make measurable and meaningful change in their lives.
Courses will be customized based on your individual needs, but here are the topics we study:
·         Financial Psychology
·         Savings, Expenses, Budgeting
·         Account Management & Your Trusted Team
·         Loans & Debt
·         Credit Profile
·         Income & Entrepreneurship
·         Economic & Government Influences
·         Risk Management & Insurance
·         Investing & Personal Financial Planning